Saturday, March 20, 2010

Examples of Taboo Sexual Slang and Euphemisms

Most of the sexual slang, euphemisms and sexual innuendo documented below has a strong male perspective. One reason being that this article is so far contributed mostly by males - supposedly, and the other reason being that the sexual slang anyway have strong male perspective to it, in Sri Lankan context (and in any cultural context for that matter). Irreverence and disrespect is a common trait in sexual slang. Especially the slang is sexist and disrespectful towards females. However, one can argue that slang is disrespectful towards everybody, and not just females. Otherwise well-meaning Sri Lankan male would resort to sexual slang when describing a situation of sexual nature to his peers, and that does not necessarily indicate that the he is sexist. Sexual slang documented below ranges from 'mild' to 'severe' and sometimes borders the 'extreme taboo' slang documented in a different section. It is advisable to avoid slang of this nature in decent company.